0X00000000 * projectile "Projectile" { + LightMachineGun VLMG "VLMG" "Very Light Machine Gun" 4 { smallgear "~VLMMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~VLMMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~VLMMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~VLMMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "VERY LIGHT MACHINE GUN A standard infantry support weapon that has been adapted for vehicular use. It is usually attached to a motorized pintle mount to avoid exposing the gunner. While very useful against unprotected infantrymen, it is nearly worthless against vehicles...even unarmored ones." + LightMachineGun LMG "LMG" "Light Machine Gun" 4 { smallgear "~LMGMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~LMGMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~LMGMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~LMGMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "LIGHT MACHINE GUN A small caliber, rapid-fire cannon used mostly for anti-personnel purposes. It has a lower damage potential than other vehicle-mounted weapons, but has a vastly increased rate of fire." + HeavyMachineGun HMG "HMG" "Heavy Machine Gun" 4 { smallgear "~HMGMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~HMGMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~HMGMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~HMGMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "HEAVY MACHINE GUN A bigger machinegun with a larger caliber which allows it to cause more damage at the cost of a slightly lower rate of fire." + LightMachineGun FGC "FGC" "Frag Cannon" 4 { smallgear "~FGCOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 smallgear "~FGCMSGC1.WPN" 0X7E largegear "~FGCOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~FGCMSGC1.WPN" 0X7E } "FRAGMENTATION CANNON A distant cousin of the Snub Cannon, its main function is to provide highly accurate fire power at close quarters; the gun usually fires fragmentation ammunition to increase the chance of a solid hit." + LightMachineGun VLRF "VLRF" "Very Light Rifle" 6 { smallgear "~VLROLGR1.WPN" 0X01 smallgear "~VLRMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~VLRMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~VLROLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~VLRMLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~VLRMLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "VERY LIGHT RIFLE A very small vehicle gun designed as a backup weapon for light scouting vehicles. Its 20mm shell can pierce the skin of most light vehicles, but not much else." + LightMachineGun LRF "LRF" "Light Rifle" 6 { smallgear "~LRFOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 smallgear "~LRFMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~LRFMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~LRFOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~LRFMLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~LRFMLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "LIGHT RIFLE A simpler version of the Light Autocannon, but without the capacity for automatic fire. The barrel is slightly longer with a correspondingly superior accuracy and it fires higher caliber bullets." + LightMachineGun MRF "MRF" "Medium Rifle" 6 { smallgear "~MRFOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 smallgear "~MRFMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~MRFMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~MRFOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~MRFMLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~MRFMLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "MEDIUM RIFLE Similar in overall performance to the Medium Autocannon, though the caliber and barrel length are both increased at the expense of the automatic fire capacity. These make good Gear weapons because of their increased range compared to autocannons (the standard Gear weapon)." + LightMachineGun HRF "HRF" "Heavy Rifle" 4 { smallgear "~HRFOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~HRFOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~HRFMATR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~HRFMATL1.WPN" 0X01 } "HEAVY RIFLE The largest rifle-type weapon, this is the poor man's light tank gun. Most heavy rifle designs use either binary liquid or gel propellants and, in certain cases, an additional electro-thermal plasma boost." + LightMachineGun DPG "DPG" "Deployable Pack Gun" 2 { smallgear "~DPGOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~DPGOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 } "DEPLOYABLE PACK GUN A polymer auto-loading weapon similar to a light autocannon, but with a lower accuracy due to its shortened barrel. In its folded (packed) position, it takes very little space and can be stored on the hip plates or the backpack of the Gear." + LightMachineGun LAAC "LAAC" "Light Anti-Air Cannon" 4 { smallgear "~LAAMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~LAAMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~LAAMLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~LAAMLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "LIGHT ANTI-AIRCRAFT CANNON A high velocity, small-caliber weapon with an extremely high rate of fire, allowing it to fill a large area with deadly projectiles. An electric auto-loader brings fresh ammunition rounds, often caseless, from a magazine." + LightMachineGun MAAC "MAAC" "Medium Anti-Air Cannon" 4 { smallgear "~MAAMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~MAAMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~MAAMLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~MAAMLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "MEDIUM ANTI-AIRCRAFT CANNON A close cousin to the Medium Autocannon, the MAAC has a slightly higher rate of fire and uses explosive shells, usually of 40mm caliber. Most MAACs have several barrels to allow them time to cool off between shots." + LightMachineGun HAAC "HAAC" "Heavy Anti-Air Cannon" 2 { strider "~HAAMATR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~HAAMATL1.WPN" 0X01 } "HEAVY ANTI-AIRCRAFT CANNON The largest high velocity, rapid-fire cannon available. Its electric loader labors to feed its ravenous appetite for large 40 to 50 mm shells. Its overall rate of fire must be limited to prevent excessive barrel wear and overheating, which is always a problem." + LightAutoCanon VLAC "VLAC" "Very Light Autocannon" 4 { smallgear "~VLAMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~VLAMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~VLAMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~VLAMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "VERY LIGHT AUTOCANNON Although its armor-piercing shells are not very useful against infantry, the VLAC is a perfect back-up, anti-armor weapon for light vehicles. Many scout cars carry one such cannon on a rear weapon mount. Very rarely, large Gears may be seen carrying one." + LightAutoCanon LAC "LAC" "Light Autocannon" 6 { smallgear "~LACOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 smallgear "~LACMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~LACMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~LACOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~LACMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~LACMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "LIGHT AUTOCANNON Popular because they are rugged, simple to design and inexpensive to field, autocannons come in the form of a Gear-sized rifle which uses a clip or belt-fed ammunition." + LightAutoCanon MAC "MAC" "Medium Autocannon" 6 { smallgear "~MACOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 smallgear "~MACMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~MACMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~MACOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~MACMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~MACMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "MEDIUM AUTOCANNON Second only the LAC in popularity, the MAC's caliber and barrel length are both increased at the cost of a slightly reduced rate of fire." + LightAutoCanon HAC "HAC" "Heavy Autocannon" 6 { smallgear "~MACOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 smallgear "~MACMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~MACMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~MACOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~MACMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~MACMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "HEAVY AUTOCANNON A large rapid-loading automatic cannon, most of the weapon's mass is taken up by the barrel and the large autoloading system. Often the main armament of light tanks and the heavier Gear models. Heavy autocannons are generally belt fed." + LightAutoCanon VHAC "VHAC" "Very Heavy Autocannon" 4 { smallgear "~VHCTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~VHCTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~VHCMATR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~VHCMATL1.WPN" 0X01 } "VERY HEAVY AUTOCANNON An electrically-driven multi-tube weapon capable of delivering an awesome amount of ammunition in a very short time. Even in single fire mode, each shot sends many tightly grouped rounds hurling toward the target." + LightMachineGun LAG "LAG" "Light Artillery Gun" 1 { strider "~LAGMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "LIGHT ARTILLERY GUN Very similar to a large cannon or howitzer, the usual caliber for LAG projectiles is around 100mm. Its main function is to accurately propel a shell over very long distances." + LightMachineGun MAG "MAG" "Medium Artillery Gun" 1 { strider "~MAGMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "MEDIUM ARTILLERY GUN Similar to its the smaller LAG, but using shells in the 130 to 160 mm range." + LightMachineGun HAG "HAG" "Heavy Artillery Gun" 1 { strider "~HAGMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "HEAVY ARTILLERY GUN Even larger than the MAG and using shells in the 170 to 200 mm range. To get excellent performance without unnecessarily reinforcing the gun, many HAG designs use electrothermal cannon technology. ETC technology electrically ionizes the gas behind the shell as it travels the barrel, eliminating the loss of performances caused by normal gas expansion." + LightMachineGun VHAG "VHAG" "Very Heavy Artillery Gun" 1 { strider "~VAGMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "VERY HEAVY ARTILLERY GUN This massive weapon is most commonly seen mounted on landships. It can accurately place shells up to 24km away in battlefield conditions and special tests have sent rocket-assisted shells up to 120km away." + LightMachineGun VLFG "VLFG" "Very Light Field Gun" 3 { smallgear "~VLGTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~VLGTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~VLGMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "VERY LIGHT FIELD GUN Easily carried by a large Heavy Gear, this is the smallest single-shot, anti-armor weapon in use at the moment. Slightly less accurate than other weapons of its type, mainly because of its short barrel. Often mounted on gun carriages and defensive bunkers" + LightMachineGun LFG "LFG" "Light Field Gun" 1 { strider "~LFGMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "LIGHT FIELD GUN Field guns do not have any rapid-fire capacity, however they more than make up for it with a longer range and stronger hitting power. Rarely found on Gears because they are cumbersome and have enormous recoil." + LightMachineGun HFG "HFG" "Heavy Field Gun" 1 { strider "~HFGMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "HEAVY FIELD GUN A large gun capable of crippling or destroying an armored target in one shot. It is much too heavy to be carried by Heavy Gears and often constitutes the main armament of battle tanks." + LightMachineGun VFG "VFG" "Very Heavy Field Gun" 1 { strider "~VFGMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "VERY HEAVY FIELD GUN The wide 200 mm barrel of this weapon can propel shells nearly 4 km and still hit and destroy a moving target with unnerving accuracy. Fires shells similar to those used by Snub Cannons, except that they are boosted faster and further by its long barrel." + LightMachineGun SC "SC" "Snub Cannon" 3 { smallgear "~SNCTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~SNCTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~SNCMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "SNUB CANNON A heavy auto-loading cannon with a smooth bore and a short or medium barrel. It is used mostly for demolition or tank hunting purposes. Its stubby ammo can transfer massive amounts of energy at short range. Speed and accuracy drop sharply with distance." } * indirect "Indirect" { + Grenade HG "HG" "Hand Grenade" 2 { smallgear "~HGRGLGR.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~HGRGLGR.WPN" 0X01 } "HAND GRENADE A Gear-sized hand grenade. Very useful against lightly armored targets and infantry, the warhead is still powerful enough to damage armored targets." + Grenade HHG "HHG" "Heavy Hand Grenade" 2 { smallgear "~HHGGLGR.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~HHGGLGR.WPN" 0X01 } "HEAVY HAND GRENADE A heavier version of the standard Gear-sized grenade, it sacrifices the pre-fragmented shrapnel shell (that makes the standard HG so useful against infantry), in order that its explosive charge can be made extremely powerful. This makes the Heavy Grenade useful not only in battle, but also for engineering and demolition tasks." + Grenade HWG "HWG" "Haywire Grenade" 2 { smallgear "~HWGGLGR.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~HWGGLGR.WPN" 0X01 } "HAYWIRE GRENADE A rather specialized weapon designed to disable enemy units rather than destroy them. The core of the grenade is a fast-discharge energy capacitor. When activated, the grenade emits a high-voltage burst to cause cascading electrical failure in its target." + Grenade SDG "SDG" "Self Destruct Grenade" 2 { smallgear "~SDGGLGR.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~SDGGLGR.WPN" 0X01 } "SELF DESTRUCT GRENADE The grenade has an extremely powerful warhead and large area of effect. Many fanatical Gear pilots carry these into combat in the hope of bringing some of their foes down with them as their own Gears are destroyed. All Self-Destruct Grenades are equipped with a timer allowing them to be activated and then left behind. The timer, once set, fuses in place and CANNOT be deactivated." + MissileLauncher APM "APM" "Anti Personnel Mortar" 4 { smallgear "~APMMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~APMMSGR1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~APMMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~APMMSGR1.WPN" 0X54 } "ANTI PERSONNEL MORTAR A small caliber mortar for use against opposing infantry units. Its indirect fire capability and explosive charge are very effective, allowing a vehicle to clear a path without endangering itself too much." + GuidedMissileLauncher LGM "LGM" "Light Guided Mortar" 4 { smallgear "~LGMMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~LGMMSGR1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~LGMMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~LGMMSGR1.WPN" 0X54 } "LIGHT GUIDED MORTAR A low-velocity cannon that lobs its warheads in an arcing overhead trajectory. The warheads have limited control over their flight path through small fins that extend from the back of the shell once it clears the barrel. This weapon is a guided warhead and REQUIRES a lock-on to function." + GuidedMissileLauncher HGM "HGM" "Heavy Guided Mortar" 4 { smallgear "~HGMMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~HGMMSGR1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~HGMMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~HGMMSGR1.WPN" 0X54 } "HEAVY GUIDED MORTAR A heavy vehicle-mounted mortar designed for range and offensive power. Its shells are guided to their target by an allied target designator, vastly increasing the probability of a hit. This weapon is a guided warhead and REQUIRES a lock-on to function." + MissileLauncher LFM "LFM" "Light Field Mortar" 4 { smallgear "~LFMMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~LFMMSGR1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~LFMMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~LFMMSGR1.WPN" 0X54 } "LIGHT FIELD MORTAR A low-velocity howitzer that lobs large warheads in an arcing overhead trajectory. Similar to the guided mortar, but it trades its cousin's accuracy for increased range and punch." + MissileLauncher MFM "MFM" "Medium Field Mortar" 4 { smallgear "~MFMMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~MFMMSGR1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~MFMMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~MFMMSGR1.WPN" 0X54 } "MEDIUM FIELD MORTAR This mortar fires a bigger shell than the light field mortar and has a longer barrel to boost the projectile further." + MissileLauncher HFM "HFM" "Heavy Field Mortar" 4 { smallgear "~HFMMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~HFMMSGR1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~HFMMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~HFMMSGR1.WPN" 0X54 } "HEAVY FIELD MORTAR Intended as a large bombardment weapon, the HFM is often classed as an artillery piece. The shell uses several sub-warheads for greater area coverage so that even if the shot misses, the target is usually still hit by the spreading projectiles." + MissileLauncher APGL "APGL" "Anti Personnel Grenade Launcher" 2 { smallgear "~APGMSGC1.WPN" 0X7E largegear "~APGMSGC1.WPN" 0X7E } "ANTI PERSONNEL GRENADE LAUNCHER This is a short range, small payload, low-velocity cannon. It is mostly used to launch anti-personnel grenades, but can be loaded with any of the small grenade types (smoke, gas, etc)." + MissileLauncher LGL "LGL" "Light Grenade Launcher" 3 { smallgear "~LGLOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~LGLOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~LGLMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "LIGHT GRENADE LAUNCHER Fills the battlefield gap between the direct-fire autocannons, field guns and the indirect fire guided mortars. Although not an accurate weapon, the grenade launcher offers exceptional fire power. The weapon is also versatile, as it can fire a variety of grenade types." + MissileLauncher HGL "HGL" "Heavy Grenade Launcher" 3 { smallgear "~HGLOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~HGLOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~HGLMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "HEAVY GRENADE LAUNCHER This weapon packs a considerable punch and a good rate of fire at the cost of accuracy. It can also propel its grenades much further than its smaller brother. Due to the grenades' large size, the ammo capacity is often quite small." } * energy "Energy" { + Sword VB "VB" "Vibroblade" 2 { smallgear "~VIBHLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~VIBHLGR1.WPN" 0X01 } "VIBROBLADE A hard alloy or ceramite Gear-sized knife equipped with a small sonic generator in the hilt. The high frequency vibrations cause the blade to vibrate at high speed for improved damage." + Sword VR "VR" "Vibrorapier" 2 { smallgear "~VIRHLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~VIRHLGR1.WPN" 0X01 } "VIBRORAPIER Almost the opposite of the vibroaxe, the rapier is a highly accurate melee weapon which inflicts relatively little damage. Developed in the Southern Republic as a weapon of honor, it has maintained this role in its league of origin and is produced exclusively for the military market." + Sword VA "VA" "Vibroaxe" 2 { smallgear "~VIAHLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~VIAHLGR1.WPN" 0X01 } "VIBROAXE A hard alloy or ceramite Gear-sized ax equipped with a small sonic generator in the hilt. The high frequency vibrations cause the blade to vibrate at high speed for improved damage." + LaserCanon LPA "LPA" "Light Particle Accelerator" 3 { smallgear "~LPATLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~LPATLGR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~LPAMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "LIGHT PARTICLE ACCELERATOR Small enough to be carried by the largest Heavy Gear models, and is thus the most common weapon of this type seen on the battlefield. Although it does not cause much damage compared to conventional weapons, its electronic disruption effects are a great boon." + LaserCanon HPA "HPA" "Heavy Particle Accelerator" 1 { strider "~HPAMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "HEAVY PARTICLE ACCELERATOR The largest particle weapon carried by land vehicles. It has a range comparable to many projectile weapons and its massive electrical discharge can sometimes burn out everything aboard an enemy vehicle in one shot...including the crew." + RailGun LRG "LRG" "Light Railgun" 3 { smallgear "~LRGTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~LRGTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~LRGMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "LIGHT RAILGUN Uses magnetic accelerator technology to propel lightweight projectiles to fantastic speed, causing an awesome amount of damage. The railgun comes equipped with an automatic loader that drops pellets directly into the weapon's bore, allowing the weapon a machinegun-like rate of fire." + RailGun HRG "HRG" "Heavy Railgun" 1 { strider "~HRGMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "HEAVY RAILGUN One of the most monstrous weapons available. Magnetic acceleration sends a hypersonic slug straight through almost any intended target." + SniperLaserCanon SLC "SLC" "Sniper Laser Cannon" 3 { smallgear "~SLCTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~SLCTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~SLCMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "SNIPER LASER CANNON An energy weapon designed for long range performance with efficient power converter, slow beam dispersion, and superior focusing lenses. Although the weapon is an energy hog, it is highly useful for sniper operations due to its range and high penetration." + GatlingLaserCanon HGLC "HGLC" "Gatling Laser Cannon" 6 { smallgear "~GLCOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 smallgear "~GLCMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~GLCMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~GLCOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~GLCMLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~GLCMLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "GATLING LASER CANNON A rapid-firing laser that uses multiple lasing chambers to recharge its capacitors faster, as well as to reduce the heat of continuous fire." + LaserCanon LLC "LLC" "Light Laser Cannon" 6 { smallgear "~LLCOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 smallgear "~LLCMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~LLCMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~LLCOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~LLCMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~LLCMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "LIGHT LASER CANNON A larger version of the common Sniper Cannon that delivers more raw energy to the target. Atmospheric attenuation and beam dispersion drops the damage fairly rapidly over distance, but the gun's high accuracy makes it useful for a variety of tasks." + HeavyLaserCanon HLC "HLC" "Heavy Laser Cannon" 3 { smallgear "~HLCOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~HLCOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~HLCMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "HEAVY LASER CANNON The largest vehicle-mounted battlefield laser, popular for its high punch and lack of recoil. Although powerful, it is nonetheless greatly limited by beam attenuation, which diminishes the damage over long distances." + LaserCanon LPLC "LPLC" "Light Pulse Laser Cannon" 6 { smallgear "~LPCOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 smallgear "~LPCMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~LPCMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~LPCOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~LPCMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~LPCMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "LIGHT PULSE LASER CANNON Similar to the Light Laser Cannon, this weapon concentrates all its power in a single, highly concentrated pulse of energy. Although this reduces the range because of increased beam attenuation, it also causes a lot more damage to the target." + LaserCanon HPLC "HPLC" "Heavy Pulse Laser Cannon" 3 { smallgear "~HPCOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~HPCOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~HPCMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "HEAVY PULSE LASER CANNON This weapon concentrates all its power in a single, highly concentrated pulse of energy. Although the beam rapidly loses coherence and power, the weapon is still very accurate for its large size and packs quite a punch." } * missile "Missile" { + SwarmMissileLauncher VLRP8 "VLRP8" "Very Light Rocket Pack 8" 4 { smallgear "~V08MSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~V08MSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~V08MLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~V08MLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "VERY LIGHT ROCKET PACK The VLRP is loaded with little more than explosive charges sitting on top of a miniature rocket motor. Sometimes, a small chip controls the fins, permitting minimal flight control. The rockets saturate the target area, attacking multiple targets at once." + SwarmMissileLauncher VLRP32 "VLRP32" "Very Light Rocket Pack 32" 4 { smallgear "~V32MSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~V32MSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~V32MLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~V32MLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "VERY LIGHT ROCKET PACK 32 Slightly larger than the VLRP/8, its fire control computer and cooling system can handle the launch of more missiles at the same time. Most VLRP/32s can fire their rockets in a staggered pattern, creating a beaten zone as large as 200 square meters. Rocket packs swarm when fired to confuse the enemy, but REQUIRE the user to lay their targeting reticle onto the target exactly so that the rockets can acquire a range to swarm in on. Failure to do so will result in wildly varying rocket paths." + SwarmMissileLauncher VLRP128 "VLRP128" "Very Light Rocket Pack 128" 4 { smallgear "~V12MSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~V12MSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~V12MLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~V12MLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "VERY LIGHT ROCKET PACK 128 Equipped with a rugged targeting computer that can control the launch of multiple individual rockets at once and direct them to cover a destruction zone of up to 250 square meters. Rocket packs swarm when fired to confuse the enemy, but REQUIRE the user to lay their targeting reticle onto the target exactly so that the rockets can acquire a range to swarm in on. Failure to do so will result in wildly varying rocket paths." + SwarmMissileLauncher LRP8 "LRP8" "Light Rocket Pack 8" 4 { smallgear "~L08MSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~L08MSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~L08MLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~L08MLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "LIGHT ROCKET PACK 8 Similar to VLR packs with slightly larger rockets." + SwarmMissileLauncher LRP16 "LRP16" "Light Rocket Pack 16" 4 { smallgear "~L16MSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~L16MSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~L16MLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~L16MLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "LIGHT ROCKET PACK 16 Slightly larger than the LRP/8, its fire control computer and cooling system can handle the launch of more missiles in a short amount of time. Rocket packs swarm when fired to confuse the enemy, but REQUIRE the user to lay their targeting reticle onto the target exactly so that the rockets can acquire a range to swarm in on. Failure to do so will result in wildly varying rocket paths." + SwarmMissileLauncher LRP24 "LRP24" "Light Rocket Pack 24" 4 { smallgear "~L24MSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~L24MSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~L24MLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~L24MLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "LIGHT ROCKET PACK 24 Slightly larger than the LRP/16, its fire control computer and cooling system can handle the launch of more missiles in a shorter period of time. Rocket packs swarm when fired to confuse the enemy, but REQUIRE the user to lay their targeting reticle onto the target exactly so that the rockets can acquire a range to swarm in on. Failure to do so will result in wildly varying rocket paths." + SwarmMissileLauncher LRP32 "LRP32" "Light Rocket Pack 32" 4 { smallgear "~L32MSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~L32MSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~L32MLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~L32MLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "LIGHT ROCKET PACK 32 Equipped with a rugged targeting computer that can control the rapid launching of many individual rockets and direct them to cover a destruction zone of up to 250 square meters. This rocket pack is about as massive as possible while still remaining mobile. Rocket packs swarm when fired to confuse the enemy, but REQUIRE the user to lay their targeting reticle onto the target exactly so that the rockets can acquire a range to swarm in on. Failure to do so will result in wildly varying rocket paths." + SwarmMissileLauncher MRP9 "MRP9" "Medium Rocket Pack 9" 4 { smallgear "~M09MSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~M09MSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~M09MLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~M09MLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "MEDIUM ROCKET PACK 9 Similar to LR packs with even larger rockets which allow each projectile to carry a bigger warhead and more fuel. Rocket packs swarm when fired to confuse the enemy, but REQUIRE the user to lay their targeting reticle onto the target exactly so that the rockets can acquire a range to swarm in on. Failure to do so will result in wildly varying rocket paths." + SwarmMissileLauncher MRP18 "MRP18" "Medium Rocket Pack 18" 4 { smallgear "~M18MSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~M18MSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~M18MLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~M18MLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "MEDIUM ROCKET PACK 18 Slightly larger than the MRP/8, its fire control computer and cooling system can handle the launch of more missiles in a very short amount of time. Rocket packs swarm when fired to confuse the enemy, but REQUIRE the user to lay their targeting reticle onto the target exactly so that the rockets can acquire a range to swarm in on. Failure to do so will result in wildly varying rocket paths." + SwarmMissileLauncher MRP36 "MRP36" "Medium Rocket Pack 36" 4 { smallgear "~M36MSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~M36MSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~M36MLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~M36MLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "MEDIUM ROCKET PACK 36 Equipped with a rugged targeting computer that can control the rapid launching of many individual rockets and direct them to cover a destruction zone of up to 250 square meters. This rocket pack is about as massive as possible while still remaining mobile. Rocket packs swarm when fired to confuse the enemy, but REQUIRE the user to lay their targeting reticle onto the target exactly so that the rockets can acquire a range to swarm in on. Failure to do so will result in wildly varying rocket paths." + SwarmMissileLauncher IRP10 "IRP10" "Inc Rocket Pack 10" 4 { smallgear "~I10MSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~I10MSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~I10MLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~I10MLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "INCENDIARY ROCKET PACK 10 Similar to the Light Rockets but carrying an incendiary warhead (most often a white phosphorous charge). These rockets are commonly used for mass destruction. Rocket packs swarm when fired to confuse the enemy, but REQUIRE the user to lay their targeting reticle onto the target exactly so that the rockets can acquire a range to swarm in on. Failure to do so will result in wildly varying rocket paths." + SwarmMissileLauncher IRP20 "IRP20" "Inc Rocket Pack 20" 4 { smallgear "~I20MSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~I20MSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~I20MLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~I20MLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "INCENDIARY ROCKET PACK 20 Slightly larger than the IRP/10, its fire control computer and cooling system can handle the launch of more missiles in a short amount of time. Rocket packs swarm when fired to confuse the enemy, but REQUIRE the user to lay their targeting reticle onto the target exactly so that the rockets can acquire a range to swarm in on. Failure to do so will result in wildly varying rocket paths." + SwarmMissileLauncher IRP30 "IRP30" "Inc Rocket Pack 30" 4 { smallgear "~I30MSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~I30MSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~I30MLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~I30MLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "INCENDIARY ROCKET PACK 30 Slightly larger than the IRP/30, its fire control computer and cooling system can handle the launch of more missiles in a shorter amount of time. Rocket packs swarm when fired to confuse the enemy, but REQUIRE the user to lay their targeting reticle onto the target exactly so that the rockets can acquire a range to swarm in on. Failure to do so will result in wildly varying rocket paths." + SwarmMissileLauncher HRP24 "HRP24" "Heavy Rocket Pack 24" 2 { smallgear "~H24MSGR1.WPN" 0X80 largegear "~H24MLGR1.WPN" 0X80 } "HEAVY ROCKET PACK 24 Some of the largest unguided rockets on the battlefield. They are most often used for fire support and area saturation. The weapon occupies most of the back of a gear or the vehicle on which it is mounted and is fired overhead in an arcing trajectory. Rocket packs swarm when fired to confuse the enemy, but REQUIRE the user to lay their targeting reticle onto the target exactly so that the rockets can acquire a range to swarm in on. Failure to do so will result in wildly varying rocket paths." + SwarmMissileLauncher HRP48 "HRP48" "Heavy Rocket Pack 48" 2 { smallgear "~H48MSGR1.WPN" 0X80 largegear "~H48MLGR1.WPN" 0X80 } "HEAVY ROCKET PACK 48 Slightly larger than the HRP/24, its fire control computer and cooling system can handle the launch of a great amount of missiles in a small span of time. Rocket packs swarm when fired to confuse the enemy, but REQUIRE the user to lay their targeting reticle onto the target exactly so that the rockets can acquire a range to swarm in on. Failure to do so will result in wildly varying rocket paths." + SwarmMissileLauncher HIRP24 "HIRP24" "Heavy Inc Rocket Pack 24" 2 { smallgear "~P24MSGR1.WPN" 0X80 largegear "~P24MLGR1.WPN" 0X80 } "HEAVY INCENDIARY ROCKET PACK 24 HIRPs are similar to heavy rockets, but carry an incendiary warhead (usually a white phosphorous charge). The warheads burn furiously after penetration and keep affecting the target for some time after the hit. Rocket packs swarm when fired to confuse the enemy, but REQUIRE the user to lay their targeting reticle onto the target exactly so that the rockets can acquire a range to swarm in on. Failure to do so will result in wildly varying rocket paths." + SwarmMissileLauncher HIRP48 "HIRP48" "Heavy Inc Rocket Pack 48" 2 { smallgear "~P48MSGR1.WPN" 0X80 largegear "~P48MLGR1.WPN" 0X80 } "HEAVY INCENDIARY ROCKET PACK 48 One of the most devastating battlefield weapons used by land vehicles on Terra Nova. Not only are the warheads powerful, but they can be ripple-fired to cover a very large area. Rocket packs swarm when fired to confuse the enemy, but REQUIRE the user to lay their targeting reticle onto the target exactly so that the rockets can acquire a range to swarm in on. Failure to do so will result in wildly varying rocket paths." + GuidedMissileLauncher AAM "AAM" "Anti-Aircraft Missile" 2 { strider "~AAMMATR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~AAMMATR1.WPN" 0X01 } "ANTI AIRCRAFT MISSILE Primarily an air-to-air weapon, although a ground-launched version is available. Its solid-fuel booster requires nearly 2000 meters to reach its peak thrust, making close-range operation difficult at best. However, past that range, its advanced seeker warhead almost guarantees a kill every time. This weapon is a guided warhead and REQUIRES a lock-on to function." + GuidedMissileLauncher ABM "ABM" "Airburst Missile" 4 { smallgear "~ABMMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~ABMMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~ABMMLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~ABMMLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "AIRBURST MISSILE A rather large missile that contains several smaller sub-projectiles. Once the missile approaches its target, the nose cone splits open and fires its sub-munition payload to cover a larger area at once. Airburst missiles are very effective for engaging several targets simultaneously." + GuidedMissileLauncher AGM "AGM" "Anti Gear Missile" 4 { smallgear "~AGMMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~AGMMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~AGMMLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~AGMMLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "ANTI GEAR MISSILE A smaller, lighter version of the standard anti-tank missile. The warhead is useless against the heavy armor of larger tanks, but can handle almost any other armored vehicle. Because of their reduced size, multiple AGMs can be carried within a single launcher. This weapon is a guided warhead and REQUIRES a lock-on to function." + GuidedMissileLauncher AGM2 "AGM" "Hammer Strike II" 2 { smallgear "~AGMMSGR1.WPN" 0X80 largegear "~AGMMLGR1.WPN" 0X80 } "HAMMER STRIKE II An anti-gear missile launcher mounted on the back. The Hammerstrike II was originally equipped on Kodiak chassis, but its record against CEF hovertanks was so effective that it was adopted for more general use elsewhere. This weapon is a guided warhead and REQUIRES a lock-on to function." + GuidedMissileLauncher ATM "ATM" "Anti Tank Missile" 4 { smallgear "~ATMMSGR1.WPN" 0X2A smallgear "~ATMMSGL1.WPN" 0X54 largegear "~ATMMLGR1.WPN" 0X2A largegear "~ATMMLGL1.WPN" 0X54 } "ANTI TANK MISSILE A variety of anti-vehicular guided missiles. The majority of ATM designs are wire-guided through a very tin optic fiber, but a few are laser or radio guided. This weapon is a guided warhead and REQUIRES a lock-on to function." + GuidedMissileLauncher HATM "HATM" "Heavy Anti Tank Missile" 1 { strider "~HAMMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "HEAVY ANTI TANK MISSILE This larger version of the ATM has similar flight performance, but carries a more destructive warhead and has more fuel. This weapon is a guided warhead and REQUIRES a lock-on to function." + MissileLauncher LPZ "LPZ" "Light Panzerfaust" 2 { smallgear "~LPZOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~LPZOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 } "LIGHT PANZERFAUST Originally manufactured by early settlers of the Age of Isolation, this cheap but effective weapon was created by modifying standard shaped-charge digging explosives and mounting them on simple rockets." + MissileLauncher MPZ "MPZ" "Medium Panzerfaust" 2 { smallgear "~MPZOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~MPZOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 } "MEDIUM PANZERFAUST This weapon is composed of a heavy anti-armor warhead mounted on a quick-burning propellant charge. The projectile is held within a simple launch tube equipped with an electric trigger. The Gear only has to point towards the target and thumb the ignition" + MissileLauncher HPZ "HPZ" "Heavy Panzerfaust" 2 { smallgear "~HPZOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~HPZOLGR1.WPN" 0X01 } "HEAVY PANZERFAUST Engineers modified a field mortar shell to serve as warhead on a heavier and deadlier version of the panzerfaust, resulting in a weapon which can take on the heavy composite armor of large tanks. Its short range and inaccuracy make it dangerous to use." + MissileLauncher RFB "RFB" "Rapid Fire Bazooka" 3 { smallgear "~RFBTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~RFBTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~RFBMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "RAPID FIRE BAZOOKA A bigger, tougher, fully automatic version of the standard infantry rocket launcher. This rocket cannon is especially deadly when used in burst fire mode." + MissileLauncher LBZK "LBZK" "Light Bazooka" 3 { smallgear "~LBZTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~LBZTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~LBZMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "LIGHT BAZOOKA A recoilless rocket cannon commonly used by Heavy Gears for dependable, hard striking firepower. A separate charge ejects the rocket from the barrel, the motor igniting nearly 60 meters from the muzzle to prevent damage to the firing unit." + MissileLauncher MBZK "MBZK" "Medium Bazooka" 3 { smallgear "~MBZTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~MBZTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~MBZMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "MEDIUM BAZOOKA A larger model of recoilless cannon. The rockets are contained within a detachable magazine which can be quickly replaced by a fresh one. Gears often carry several additional ammo packs for this weapon." + MissileLauncher HBZK "HBZK" "Heavy Bazooka" 3 { smallgear "~HBZTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 largegear "~HBZTLGR1.WPN" 0X01 strider "~HBZMATC1.WPN" 0X01 } "HEAVY BAZOOKA The largest recoilless cannon available on the battlefield,. So large and unwieldy that only assault Heavy gears and front-line combat vehicles can carry it. Although it has a shorter range, this bazooka's damage is comparable to an ATM's." }